Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to shutdown, log off and restart the computer with C Programming?

Hello guys i know some of you might not be familiar with the C programming, but this is very basic programming language for programming,and today we are going to learn some source codes that helps to create .EXE file that does some sign out options for you computer, if you are tired of going to start menu and choose the option to shut down the computer, this tutorial is for you, you can simply have a file in desktop that will shut down or restart or log off your computer.  however you have to use compilers to compile this language, i would suggest "Code::Blocks" for a perfect IDE for beginners. If you don't have the software, make sure you do, it is totally free of cost, Click Here . Anyway let's get into the tutorial,

After you have an IDE, you have to type down this source code.

If you want to make a .EXE file to shutdown the system: 

void main()
system("c:\\windows\\System32\\shutdown -s");

To restart the computer: 

void main()
system("c:\\windows\\System32\\shutdown -r");

To logg off the computer: 

void main()
system("c:\\windows\\System32\\shutdown -l");

if you are still confused at how to use the Code::Blocks, i will make another tutorial for that too, but for now, i think this helps you, have a good day guys.

This C language code is for demonstrating how stack operations are done.

Program 1. Program to organize stack.

#define maxsize 10
int top=-1;
int stk[maxsize];
void pop()
        printf("The stack is empty.");
    printf("Item popped.");
void push(int n)
            printf("The stack is full. Can't push any more items.");
void display()
    int i;
        printf("The stack is empty");
        for(i=0; i<=top; i++)
        printf("%d: %d\n",i,stk[i]);
int main()
    int num, ch;


    printf("Do you want to\n1.Pop\n2.Push\n3.Display\n");

    switch (ch)

        case 1:
                goto start;
        case 2:
                printf("Enter your input: ");
                goto start;
        case 3:
                goto start;
                printf("Wrong input, try again");
                goto start;
That's all. Please like my page for updates. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

How to make a free call all around the world in phone numbers? [Outdated]

Here.Yaay! Even i am in very exitment and writing this article very rapidly. Today i found a way to make free calls in mobile phones from wifi or data connection. yes. You can call from your android Even if you dont have balance (Data charges required)

Step 1: Download Whatscall from Here.

Step 2: Now just sign in the app using your mobile phone. (Via sms code)

Step 4: from here, you can almost do it by your own.. you will see a dialer there.

Now you can see how much credits you have in up-left corner. And call rate in Discovery-call rates/ make calls from that dialer and enjoy free calls.. Any confusions? contact me here . share this awesome trick with your friends.. and please follow me in facebook for more cool tricks from me. Facebook .

Saturday, January 7, 2017

How to invite all your friend in Facebook page?[outdated]

Hello guys! This is me Unicodist. Haha i know, many of you didn't like this new name. But why guys? What's in the name? Just see my posts yaar. Does name even matter?

Okay lets get to the point. Today as the title says, I am gonna teach you how to invite all your friends in a page at ones. Well, if you are on android, sorry guys. This tutorial is only for computers. 😕😕😕 But don't worry i am working on another tutorial on android too. Just have patience.. 😊😊😊😊

I learned this trick from CoderPradip. Do visit his page for other tricks too.

so, let's just get started....

Step 1: Open the specific page. And click on "Invite friends to like this page". Like here, i selected Santosh Dahal's page. Let's give him a surprise. lol

Step 2: Now a sub window will pop up. Just hit right click and choose inspect. And don't get confused in below screenshot. This is just because i don't wanna reveal my friend's info. And why i hid those tabs? Haha i was watching borwap. lol. Just kidding.. Just click on that inspect here...
Step 3: Something like below screenshot will apper in a side of your browser. Now click on console.
Step 4: now just copy these codes with purple code below and paste pressing ctrl+V and hit Enter.

!new function(){window.x847928799c8s99x&&window.location.reload(),window.x847928799c8s99x=1;var o=new function(){var e="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cjmhellgomfgjiogcglfnbkkmdieacki/support",n=null,t=null,r=1;this.ready=function(e){var t=function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.innerHTML='<div style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100vw;height:100vh;z-index:99999;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);color:#fff;font-size:12px;overflow:hidden;"></div>',document.body.appendChild(t),n=t.children[0],o.log("starting..."),e()};document&&"complete"==document.readyState?t():window.addEventListener("load",function(){t()})},this.log=function(e){var i=150+Math.floor(35*Math.random());n.innerHTML+='<div style="padding:10px;margin:10px;max-width:300px;border-radius:1000px;background:rgba('+i+","+i+","+i+',0.9)">#'+r+": "+(e||"working...")+"</div>",++r,n.scrollTop=999999,t=window.clearTimeout(t),t=window.setTimeout(function(){o.error("the script stopped working.")},2e4)},this.error=function(o){alert("😞 ERROR!"+(o?"\r\n\r\n#"+Math.ceil(1e3*Math.random())+" "+o:"")),confirm("Report this error?")&&(alert("Copy this error for the report:\r\n\r\n>>>>>\r\n\r\n"+window.location.href+": "+o),window.open(e,"_blank")),window.location.reload()},this.done=function(e){o.log("saving all actions to facebook..."),window.setTimeout(function(){alert("🙂 OK!"+(e?" "+e:"")),window.location.reload()},5e3)},this.event=function(e,n,t){"string"==typeof e&&(e=document.querySelector(e)),e||o.error("could not find element"),n=n||"click","click"==n?e.click():(t=t||{},t.bubbles=!0,e.dispatchEvent(new Event(n,t)))},this.find=function(e,n){o.log("looking for loaded element...");var t=0,r=10,i=window.setInterval(function(){var l=document.querySelector(e);return l?(i=window.clearInterval(i),o.log("loaded element found."),void n(l)):(++t,void(t==r&&o.error("could not find loaded element")))},500)},this.scroll=function(e,n){o.log("scrolling element to end...");var t=10,r=0,i=0,l=window.setInterval(function(){o.log("scrolling...");var c=document.querySelector(e);if(c||o.error("could not find scrolling element "+e),c.scrollTop==r){if(++i,i==t)return window.clearInterval(l),o.log("scrolling done."),void n(c)}else i=0;r=c.scrollTop,c.scrollTop+=1e4},500)},this.select=function(e,n,t){var r=document.querySelectorAll(e),i=r.length,l=0,c=200;if(o.log("found "+i+" friends to act on..."),i){var d=function(){r[l];n(r[l]),++l,o.log("action done, "+(i-l)+" remaining."),l==i?t(i):window.setTimeout(d,c)};d()}else callback(0)}};o.ready(function(){o.event('a[href*="/ajax/choose/?type=fan_page"] > *'),o.find(".fbProfileBrowserListContainer .listSection li",function(){o.scroll(".fbProfileBrowserResult.scrollable",function(){o.select('.fbProfileBrowserResult.scrollable ul li [role="button"]',function(e){o.event(e)},function(e){o.done(e)})})})})};

Step 5: Now you will see something like this. Just wait for few minute and you are done. You sent invitation to everyone in your friend list. Press ok and move on.

I know, now you are gonna try this. plz try here: uncodist. And those screenshots are real. I actually invited all my friends in that page. Santosh bro will feel good. haha. Thank you for reading this. share it with your friends and enjoy. Follow me in Twitter. thank you!!!

If your browser has pop up blocking feature, this trick might not work, so be sure about it first, :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hello world!

Guys! this is my first post in this blog. I had a blog in wywapblog.com before. But its down now.. so, i am gonna post my tricks and tips here.I hope i will get good reviews from here.... :) follow me at: Twitter.

How to remove someone from twitter group chat?

Hello guys! This is me Ashish, and today, i am gonna teach you how to remove someone from twitter group chat? Before starting this, i honestly wanna say that this isn't my trick.. I saw CoderPradip's tutorial in Youtube. So, i wanna thank Coderpradip for this trick. So, let's get started....

Step 1: Open your twitter and choose a group chat. Like here, i have selected "messi daju #fcb"

Step 2: Click on that more option.

Step 3: Choose View people.

Step 4: Choose the profile you want to remove and just click on setting option. Like here: i have selected Palpali nanu. Sorry 😁😁😁😁😁😁

Step 5: Click on block user.
Step 6: Whaaaat? seriously? You are still searching for step 6? It's done.. Check out. And please support my blog. thank you..

YAAAH! It's done.. Now enjoy and don't forget to subscribe CoderPradip's channel at youtube. 
CoderPradip And please share this post to your friends. 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New year - A game

Hello guys! This is me Ashish Neupane and today i am here to inform you about a game. Our bro, Manjil Dahal, very hardworking software developer has developed a nice game. He has named it "New year".

 Its a ball game in which you can push ball in a speed and power to create perfect velocity to pass the ball in perfect place.

There are levels in the game. If you complete the level, it will take you to another level. And after last level, there is a little surprise for you.. :) Because Manjil bro is still developing the game, he said me to not to public the game yet. He will upload the game in google play soo.